Sunday, March 30, 2008


John 21:1-14

"Come, have breakfast."

Come, be refreshed from your labors; come, eat and drink and take a reprieve so that you might be re directed; come, refresh yourself in my presence; come, unload the burden you carry of not finding anything; come, rest your sorrowful souls; come, and be filled with my presence; come, find true meaning and satisfaction; come express your gratitude and thanks; come sing my praise.

"Come, have breakfast."

The words of Christ to the disciples is an invitation to live differently; it is an invitation to start anew; it is an invitation to let the worries and troubles pass and embrace the present moment.

"Come, have breakfast."

This is the invitation of Christ every time we gather at the altar and the bread is broken and shared and new life is given as we say "Amen!"

"Amen" indeed, let it be done unto me, let it be true; let this food be for me the newness of life I long for.

"Come, have breakfast." 

The most important meal of the day, this daily bread in which we have our fill. 
Why bother with anything less.  

"Come, have breakfast!"

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