Tuesday, August 19, 2008

no good sense

Ezekiel 28:1-10; It is I who deal death and give life; Matthew 19:23-30

In the Psalm today we read from Dt 32.  In it the Scripture tell us of those who mistakenly boast when they proclaim, "Our own hands won the victory; the Lord had nothing to do with it."

The writer goes on to exclaim that these people who say such things, who perceive such things, are "devoid of reason having no understanding."

Most scientist and philosophers and modern critics of belief in God, religion, and faith claim that they are the ones who are reasonable and have understanding.  Yet, scripture points out that without Faith and trust and recognition of God's hands in and around us, we are unreasonable and lack understanding, in other words, we have no good sense.  

The Church teaches that Faith directs and perfects our reason and understanding.  The mere fact that we do not know something about the mystery of God doesn't mean we are unreasonable, it means we have finally arrived at what reason is all about.  

For all those out there who claim to be reasonable and yet lack faith, their fault is they misuse the reason that God gave them.  Not having faith and claiming to be reasonable is like clipping the wings of a bird and still wanting them to fly.  

A bird without wings is less a bird, for they were made to fly...A reasonable man with out faith is less a man.

What good is having reason if you don't let it soar perfectly in the flight of faith.  The problem with atheist and those who don't believe isn't with their reason or understanding; the problem is they are afraid of heights; they choose to remain on the ground.  They lack courage, and because their fear is so overwhelming, they don't want others to fly either. 

Where courage is not, no other virtue can survive except by accident.  Atheist are cowards.  Their lives are ruled by cowardice.  This is what is so tragic.  They mask their cowardice by clinging to reason and in the process they remain grounded because they are afraid to fly,  afraid to be taken to the heights where faith alone can take us, as scripture says, "Lord, you have kept my foot from slipping and raise me to new heights."

Keep your sense about you, let your faith guide you: remember angels fly because they have perfect faith that keeps their reason from being grounded and this is why they soar. 

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