Saturday, August 2, 2008


Psalm 69: Lord, in your great love, answer me. Matthew 14:1-12

In today's Gospel we read that "Herod heard of the reputation of Jesus..."

I often wonder what kind of reputation Jesus had as He moved in and out of the surrounding towns and cities of Jerusalem.  He must of had quite an impact.

There must have been rumors of how he was a man of healing, a man of mystery, a man of miracles.  I always imagine little boys and girls with bright eyes and wondering minds seeking to get the latest scoop or to hear the latest tale of this wandering man from Nazareth.  

The mystery and the mystic that followed Jesus every where he was, every where he had been, every where he was yet to go must have been invigorating. The whispers echoed from house top to house top, spread through out the land, some positive some negative. 

His reputation was vibrant and alive and captivating.  It held every one's attention, it caught every one's ear, it moved many to seek out for themselves. 

Some were troubled by it, some were in awe of it, some embraced it, some sought to destroy it.

Yet, His reputation remained. 

Jesus' reputation continues today to do all those things.  2000 years later Jesus continues to captivate, inspire, trouble, bother, disturb, overwhelm.  Why?

Is it because Hs life was so profound a mystery and His personality so dynamic that even 2000 years could not touch it, or defeat it? No! It has nothing to do with time.

It is because Jesus is still alive, he is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.  His reputation continues to be present because he is still present, "I will be with you always until the end of the age."  

Jesus' reputation does not depend on us, it depends on Him.  

Yet, we as Christians who bear His name do have a part.  His reputation is carried in and through us. This is why St. Paul says, "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives with in me" and again "we carry the death of Christ in our bodies so that the life of Christ might be revealed."

We must move cautiously aware of the pearl of great price that accompanies us.  The shadow of His reputation must invigorate us. 

Jesus Honors us with His presence yesterday, today, and tomorrow; should we not Honor Him with our presence?  Is not this the root of all Moral decision making: letting our actions give Honor to Him who Honors us so that His reputation might be spread further, wider, richer.

Let the reputation of Jesus be carried in you, let the reputation of Jesus carry you, let the reputation of Jesus be written all over your Face.  

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