Friday, September 26, 2008


Ecclesiastes 3:1-11; Psalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my rock; Luke 9:18-22

The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of a time for everything; however, often times we find that because we are so busy we have not time for anything.  

What a paradox our lives have become!

In the midst of all the time we have lived, we are living, and we will live there is a constant. 

As Ecclesiastes reminds us, "God has put the timeless in our hearts, without man's ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which god has done."

 There is a hole in our heart that can never be filled, a hole that drives us forward in the midst of the experiences that only time can truly tell. 

There is a hole in our heart that no time nor experience can fully fill; there is a timelessness that makes us restlessly driven; a timelessness that beckons at us not only from without but from deep within; God has put eternity in our hearts and we long to catch a glimpse of it so that this hole might finally be filled. 

How do we fill that which is timeless with what we experience in time? How can that which is measured by the sunrise and sunset of our lives attempt to fill what is without measure?

What is the answer to the paradox we all live with every breath we take?

Jesus in the Gospel poses a question that links itself with the question of our lives, the longing of our hearts, the hole that lingers even when we have drunk our fill of experiences in life, "But who do you say that I am?"

The question posed is the question that answers this timeless reality we live. 

"You are the Christ of God," Peter replies. You are the timeless and eternal son of God who enters into time to fill the timeless hole from which our hearts are created from the beginning.

Our hearts are made for eternity and eternity comes to meet our hearts with a heart of his own.  Only in Christ does this restlessness find solace, does this eternity in our hearts meet the quenching flame of eternal love.

Seek the face of Christ and let the timeless hole in your heart lead you to where He is to be found! Embrace the gift of time and seek the face of timelessness  by refusing to forget the One who measures the gift we have been given.

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