Thursday, April 16, 2009


Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8 O Lord, Our god, how wonderful your name in all the earth; Luke 24:35-48

IHS is an ancient monogram that represents the name of Jesus.  It is found throughout the US at many if not all of the Catholic Universities. 

It stands out as a sign of honor due to the one who bore the nails and who continues to bear the marks of his readiness to die for Love.  His name is above all other names, as the psalm speaks to day: "O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth."

Earlier this week president Obama was given an invite to speak at one of the oldest Catholic Universities in the US, Georgetown University.  There in the Gaston Hall where the speech was to take place, on a wooden archway, were inscribed the monogram IHS, representing the name above every other name. 

For the speech, however, the university decided to cover up the name so that it would not be seen.  Watching the video, I was appalled that the monogram was covered over.  Yet it was not surprising.  Many of our Catholic universities are turning away from our Lord.  

The one who shows himself today to the apostles, the one's whose hands are out stretched with wounds to show the proof of his sacrifice, the proof of his love, is being neglected. 

We pray for our universities that they may have a conversion.  We pray they do not sell out like the rest of our country and hold fast to the name by which every tongue should confess and every knee shall bend.    

O Lord our God, how wonderful is your name in all the earth.  May it been done in our hearts and minds as well.


Anonymous said...

This is just outrageous. Sadly enough our society has moved to bending their knee to what feels good for the day. God will prevail no matter what , but we all need to begin praying diligently and intensly for our children. We must remember that GOD has entrused us with a large responsibily of raising our children with a Christian Faith.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you write for our enjoyment.