Thursday, May 7, 2009

personality traits

Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89 Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord; John 13:16-20 

We read in the gospel the words of Jesus, "blessed are you who do it."

Who do what?

Jesus is referring to serving; as he washed the feet of the apostles he tells them what I have done for you, you must do for others.  He is speaking of humility and courage and steadfastness and perseverance.  It is a sending forth.

In the first reading we catch Paul on his missionary journey from Paphos to Perga in Pamphylia to Antioch in Pisidia. 

Paul was not one to wait around.  Paul was a go getter.  Every moment was an opportunity.  There was no quit in Paul. Yet, not all the companions had this go getting appetite.  

John one of their companions, "left them" and returned to Jerusalem.  In fact, this leaving of John was taken hard by Paul.  Later in Acts, Paul refers to John as a quitter.  

Why did John leave, no one knows.  Perhaps he was afraid.  Antioch of  Psidia was not a easy place to go.  It was 3,6oo ft above sea level and it was surrounded by mountain ranges; in order to get to this place one had to enter onto one of the worst roads in Asia Minor, notorious for robbers and bandits.  Perhaps John was scared and unsure of himself.  His personality was of a different sort.  Not everyone was Paul.  The beauty of John, he did not try to be who he wasn't; he did not insist on keeping up with Paul.  He knew who he was and more importantly he knew who he was not.

But we do know that both Paul and John are labeled saints in the church.  Despite their personality differences they were able to serve the Lord in a capacity of holiness. 
Despite the differences both were willing to wash the feet of others, some on top of the mountain and others in the valley, but feet are feet no matter where they rest upon the ground. 

This is consoling.  We all have different personalities.  We all have strengths and weaknesses.  Yet, every personality when given over to Jesus for his service can become saintly.

May we seek to be who we are and let the grace of God strengthen and empower the gifts he gave so that we might learn to wash the feet of those around us.

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