Wednesday, May 27, 2009

rehabilitate the truth

Acts 20:28-38; Psalm 68 Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth; John 17:11b-19

Paul in the first reading warns the presbyters about men who "will come perverting the truth."

Jesus in the gospel in his priestly prayer for his disciples prays to the Father that the disicples might be "consecrated in the truth."


What a fascinating reality that lies before us.  In our society we must ask the question, what is truth?  Where do we find it?  Why do we need it? 

Jesus in his prayer tells the Father, "Your word is truth." 

Pope Benedict tells us that we must "Rehabilitate the question of truth in a world filled with relativism."

He warns us that "if we can no longer recognize what is true and distinguish it from what is false then it is impossible to recognize what is good."

He later reminds us that "only if the Christian faith is true does it concern all men."

Paul and Jesus alike direct us to guard the truth for it is truth that sets us free. 

As Pope Benedict directs us, "truth can never be replaced by good intentions."

For if it is not caught up in truth, then the intentions themselves are lacking in goodness.

Just a few words to ponder as we continue to rebuild the society that has fallen from the the truth itself.

"As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.  And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth."  

As we pray at the mass during the Kyrie, "Lord Jesus you have given us the consolation of the truth.  Lord, have mercy."

Truth given is mercy offered.  Truth embraced is mercy received.
Lord have mercy because truth has been revealed in him.  He who offers truth offers mercy.

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