Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mary continued

As the month of May continues forth, we continue our own pilgrimage walking with our heavenly mother.  Here are a few words from St. Peter Chrysologus about the Blessed Virgin Mary:

"Even before the angel announced God's plan, the Virgin's dignity was announced by her name; for the Hebrew word Mary rendered in Latin is Domina [lady].  Hence the angel calls her Lady, so that fear proper to servitude might leave her, the Mother of the Master.  For her Son's authority decreed and brought it about that she should be born and named Lady."

"Blessed are you among women.  The Virgin is truly Blessed, for she possessed the splendor of virginity and achieved the dignity of motherhood.  She is truly Blessed, for she merited the grace of heavenly conception and wore the crown of integrity.  She is truly blessed, for she received the glory of the divine Son and is queen of all chastity."

Our Lady Pray for us.

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