Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mary continued

Below is a quote from St. Gregory the Great concerning the Blessed Mother:

"The most blessed and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God, can be called by this name, "mountain".  Yes, she was a mountain, who by the dignity of her election has completely surpassed the height of every creature.  Is Mary not the lofty mountain?  For God, to achieve the conception of the eternal Word, raised the summit of her merits above the choirs of angels, up to the threshold of the Godhead.

Isaiah said in a prophecy,"In the last days, the mountains of the Lord's house will be made the highest mountain" (Is 2:2).  And this mountain has been made the highest mountain, because Mary's height has shined above all the saints.  For, just as a mountain implies height, so the house signifies a dwelling place.  Therefore, she is called mountain and house, because she, illuminated by incomparable merits, prepared a womb for God's Only-begotten to dwell in...Mary is justly called mountain rich in fruits, because the best fruit was born from her, namely, a new man.  And the prophet, considering how beautiful she is, adorned in the glory of her fruitfulness, cries out: "There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow from his roots" (Is 11:1).  

Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

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