Monday, May 4, 2009


Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 42/43 Athirst is my soul for the living God; John 10:1-10

Yesterday we looked at the Good Shepherd and how he proved himself to be worthy of such a title.

Today we get the first part of yesterday's gospel. 

We continue our reflection on the Good Shepherd.  But today let us reflect on the nature of being a sheep.  Besides, a majority of our problems do not come with the Shepherd but rather with the sheep. It is the flock that causes unrest and anxiety.  The Shepherd can take care of himself, he knows who he is.  The sheep do not know so well what it means to be sheep.

What does it mean to be a sheep: the greek word used for sheep in the New Testament denotes any four legged animal that is tame and domesticated.  Any animal that is willing to cooperate and be docile to the voice of the master.

One that is willing to cooperate.  This sounds like a novel idea.  As sheep of the Shepherd we are call to cooperate with him.  

What does it look like when a sheep cooperates with the Shepherd?  The opening prayer of the mass this morning reveals to us what it means for sheep to be sheep who cooperate with the call of the Shepherd:

 "Father, through the obedience of Jesus, your servant and your son, you raise a fallen world."

As good sheep of the Good Shepherd, we cooperate with Jesus in raising a fallen world.  We lift it up and transform it.  

This is our call, may we be docile and follow our Shepherd's lead and raise the fallen world.  

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