Wednesday, November 11, 2009

wonder and amazement

Wisdom 6:1-11; Psalm 82 Rise up, O God, bring judgment to the earth; Luke 17:11-19

We have been reading from the book of wisdom over the past few days and I thought I might share what Pope BEnedict has to say about wisdom.

This is part of Pope Benedict's address to astronomers at a blessing of a new observatory:

"knowledge if it aspires to be wisdom cannot be reduced to calculation or experiment... and rather than restricting the eyes of the mind, invites us to lift our gaze to the heavens, and there we discover our place in the universe, there we discover the love that moves the sun and the other stars...we can recapture the sense of wonder and amazement that leads us to God."

We need to recapture our sense of wonder and amazement of not just the big things but the little things; we need to let God wow us on a daily basis and thus nothing becomes ordinary and everything has God's finger print all over it.

Only then can we truly present God again to the world that has forgotten Him.

With a renewed sense of wonder and amazement we become living adoration and our life truly becomes a gift that changes the world and re-centers it to God.

The Leper that returns to Jesus, while the other nine go on their merry way, was wowed by God, was awakened to a new sense of wonder and amazement, "realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him."

This is what it looks like to be in awe.

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