Sunday, November 8, 2009

Word of God set in before you set out

Kings 17:10-16; Psalm 146 Praise the Lord, my soul; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:41-44

Obviously todays readings have a connection; the first and gospel both include widows.

And these widows have a lot to say and offer to us as we continue our journey with God.
However, I am going pass on the widows and focus on Elijah.

Elijah is important for us. He is the precursor to the Messiah. The jewish believed that Elijah would return and then the MEssiah would arrive. In fact, in the passover celebration the Jewish people still today set a place for Elijah anticipating his return.

So it is important for us as Christians, to look closely at ELijah for he will show us where we will encounter the Messiah, Christ, most perfectly in our life.

First, we encounter Elijah with the widow and her son and the oil and flour.

In order to understand this passage we have to go backwards. It is what happens before that sets the stage for what is unfolding in the passage set before us this Sunday.

If we were to go backwards, before this passage 17:10-16, we encounter Elijah doing something.
We encounter Elijah waiting. Now, Elijah isn't just waiting around, killing time. He is keeping vigil. He is attentively listening for the word of God to speak to him. He is waiting on the word.

This is essential.
Elijah does not set out on his journey until the word of God sets in his heart and mind.

The word of God determines the direction of his life. The word must set in before he sets out.

Think about our lives for a moments; think about the decisions we have made, places we have gone, the things we have done.

How often have we rashly made decisions, in haste avoiding the word of God? How often have we been impatient with God's word and took matters in to our own hands?

Look at out society. the fabric of our live sis slowly unraveling because we have set out without letting the word of God set in. How different would our life be in the word of God became our compass, giving us direction?

If we take the word of God with us when we go, it will change where we go and what we do when we get there!

Invitation for us to practice waiting, keeping vigil with and for the Word of God: praying daily, reading scripture and understanding how God reveals himself and what he desires for us. studying the teaching of the church which is the word of God teaching us, and seeking counsel form Holy people who live upright lives.

These are ways we keep vigil for the word and allow the word to set in before we set out.

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