Wednesday, April 14, 2010

timeless insight

Acts 5:17-26; Psalm 34 The Lord hears the cry of the poor; John 3:16-21

Recently I read a novel entitled, "The unoriginal sinner and the Ice-cream God" by John Powers. I picked it up because I liked the title, it was intriguing. Titles do grab the unsuspecting eye and often beckon for a closer inspection.

The book was worth the read. In fact, I find myself going back to it often for its humor and insights.

Here are a few quotes from the book.

"Too bad there aren't any life inspectors. They could come around, look at your life and say, 'Sorry, your life is unsafe for occupancy. You are going to have to tear it down and start over.' Then they would slap a 'condemned' sticker on your forehead and that would be that. all very neat. No decisions to make. Too bad there aren't any of those."

"The human spirit is like a delicate prism of glass. It takes the light of life and reflects it into all sorts of emotional shades."

"Concerning your dilemma with kids, however, I'm working on a solution: inflatable children. On those days when you feel like taking some naive little creature to the zoo, or you feel like having an audience for your life, you just inflate as many kids as you like. For those other times, when you don't feel like getting up in the middle of the night, when you want to eat a quiet dinner, or you're fed up with going to parent-teacher conferences, you just let the air out of them. Inflatable children, however, are a new product and are not yet out on the market. Some parents don't realize this. They think they already have them."

Books are great. How often we draw insight from the many words of wisdom and humor and insight written in the pages! How often we can go back time and time again and discover the insights are never exhausted!

Yet of all the books and all the quotes and insights and bits of wisdom and humor garnered over the years in the many volumes of books purchased or checked out from the library the passage of the gospel of John today seems timeless in its insight for all:

"God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."

God the great lover. It is good to hear it again and again lest we forget God's ultimate and primary motivation. Who is God? What is God? How does God? Where is God? Why is God?

All the questions of God find their answer in the reality of his love. God the great lover. Our meaning derives itself from that reality as well. God is the great lover then we are the great beloved. We are the object of that love.

Hear it again. Believe it. Live it.

May the prism of your life receive the light of that love reflect rays to all.

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