Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today in the church we celebrate the feast of pentecost, 50 days after the resurrection, God sends down the Holy Spirit to fill the world. God's life is now fully active in our life and world.

In the acts of the Apostles we see the first fruits of the Spirit come alive in the Apostles as they are empowered to proclaim the mighty works of God. Not only do they proclaim but they proclaim in such a way that the message is heard.

Thus the mission of the church begins: making the message known, proclaiming the mighty works of God.

As the Spirit worked then, he desires to continually work today, empowering us to make the message known in our life.

In a world that is filled with talking heads, where everyone wants to have their opinion broadcast on all channels, it is time for us to begin to speak as well. For if we do not speak about the power of God then the world will not hear.

Think about all the things we speak about on a daily basis? When is the last time we sat someone down and shared what God is doing in our life? Do we recognize what God is doing?

Peter and the eleven at pentecost were not afraid to tell the people what God was doing in their life, in the world; neither should we be afraid.

If the Spirit of God is going to renew the face of the earth,t hen it will come through. THe face life will be through our hands, our lips proclaiming the mighty works of God.

Everyone else talking about everything else, should we not speak about the beauty of God. Isn't JEsus the center of our life; should we not share what he is doing. Instead spreading the local gossip, why not gossip about God, and spread the news, make it known.

In the psalm today there is a line that stands out. Psalm 104 is a prayer to God and the psalmist states, "pleasing to him be my theme."

What is the theme of our life? What is that which gets brought up over and over again? IS JEsus and the working God the theme that binds our life together and makes it meaningful?

Take some time today and evaluate your "theme" and then pray that the SPirit may come alive in you: come, Holy SPirit, Come and renew the face of the earth, renew me.

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