Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday reflection: organic love

1 John 3:11-17

This morning in the office of reading we read from the first letter of John. The letter states the following:

"I ask you, how can God's love survive in a man who has enough of this world's goods yet closes his heart to his brother when he sees him in need?"

What a pertinent question?

How can God's love survive in a man when his heart is closed to his brother in need?

The question points to the reality that God's love can be destroyed. God's love can shrivel and die. God's love is a gift that can be taken for granted. God's love needs to be nourished and nurtured and tended.

God's love is organic, living and breathing reality in our life that when left untended can whither away.

God's love can be killed by our action and inaction.

How we relate to others and how we reach outward has a great deal of effect on the love of God living in our life.

How do we nourish that love?
How do we tend the garden of our soul where God's love has been planted by the Holy Spirit?
Have we been negligent?

WIll we let that love survive, blossom, and be prosperous?

"we too must lay down our life for our brothers..." st John tells us. This is how we keep love alive.

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