Friday, June 18, 2010

the eye you see with

Friday continued...

JEsus in today's gospel Matthew 6:19-23 also states the following, "If your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light; but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be filled with darkness."

What does Jesus mean?

JEsus is speaking how we see or how we look upon the world or look upon one another. We can have a "sound" vision or a "bad" vision.

The greek word for sound can be translated as generous and the greek word for bad can be translated as stingy or hostile.

Do we look upon the world around us with a stingy eye begrudging those we meet and increasing bitterness in the world or are we generous and caring, giving them the benefit of the doubt and seeking to bring grace to their lives and thus increasing happiness?

How do you see?

Think of the eye of Christ as he looked upon the world from the cross! IT is his sacred heart that teaches us how to be filled with light and look with a sound eye.

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