Saturday, June 12, 2010

St. AMbrose on the psalms

Here is a tidbit from St. Ambrose on the importance of the psalms for the christian pilgrimage on earth back to the Father.

"What is more pleasing than a psalm? Yes, a psalm is a blessing on the lips of the people,a hymn in praise of God, the assembly's homage, a general acclamation, a word that speaks for all, the voice of the church, a confession of faith in song.

It is the voice of complete assent, the joy of freedom, a cry of happiness, the echo of gladness. It soothes the temper, distracts from care, lightens the burden of sorrow. It is a source of security at night, a lesson in wisdom by day. It is a shield when we are afraid, a celebration of holiness, a vision of serenity, a promise of peace and harmony.

It is like a lyre, evoking harmony from a blend of notes. Day begins to the music of a psalm. Day closes to the echo of a psalm.

In a psalm instruction vies with beauty. We sing for pleasure. We learn for profit. What experience is not covered by reading of the psalms?

What is the psalm but a musical instrument to give expression to all the virtues? The psalmist of old used it, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to make earth reecho the music of heaven."

When you find yourself in a tight spot, flip to the book of Psalms and there you shall find a gymnasium for the soul and enter into a full workout that will realign your heart and mind to the will of God, our Father, in Christ guided by the Holy SPirit.

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