Wednesday, October 6, 2010

on listening

Yesterday we read the gospel of MAry and Martha. Mary wa sitting at the feet of Jesus listening while Martha was busy with arranging the meal and setting the table and doing whatever it was that was necessary to accomodate JEsus and his friends, though not according to Jesus' request simply according to Martha's expectations.

Martha was irate and irritated for she felt cheated by her sister who simple sat their and did nothing while she was busting her tale and doign all the work.

Sounds familar!

How often have i enocutner similar irritations.

Yet, we often misunderstand the work involved in listening.

Listenign is not easy. In fact, listening is probably the hardest thing we are asked to do.

Mary, in order for her to truly listen, had to remove her center of gravoty and plac eit completely on Jesus. This is not easy. When we listen, we have to empty ourselves so that we may be filled by the other person.

How often we listen not to the other person but merely tour own little ocnversation going on in our head? How often we are more concerned with ur response then with what is being presented by the other person?

Listenin is not to be taken lightly.

Whenever someone says they have been listening to someone, we should stop and measure the work and attention necessary to make that act truly life giving.

Mary was listenign at the feet of Jesus. She had learned the art of emptying herself so that she might be filled with another, with Christ.

This is th better part, as Jesus says.

When we pray, we must learn to listen, to empty ourselves of all so that we may be filled with the voice of God alone, that which is a two edged sword.

Anyone can cook and clean, but to listen is a true measure of a soul's detemrination to follow.

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