Wednesday, November 17, 2010

creation and the adventure of living

I have been teaching our 8th graders about creation has of lately. It has been an exciting adventure to say the least.

I thought today, since it is wednesday, I would share a few words from Pope Benedict on creation...

"The reasonableness of the universe provides us with access to God's Reason, and the Bible is and continues to be the true 'enlightment," which has given the world over to human reason and not to exploitation by human beings, because it opened reason to God's truth and love. Therefore we must not in our own day conceal our faith in creation. We may not conceal it, for only if it is true that the universe comes from freedom, love, and reason, and these are the real underlying powers, can we trust one naother, go forward into the future, and live as human beings.

God is the Lord of all things because he is their creator, and only therefore can we pray to him, For this means that freedom and love are not ineffectual ideas but rather that they are sustaining forces of reality.
and so we in thankfulness and joy recite the church's creed, "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth." Amen....

The universe is not a product of darkness and unreason. It comes from intelligence, freedom, and from the beauty that is identical with love. Seeing this gives us courage to keep on living, and it empowers us, comforted thereby, to take upon ourselves the adventure of living."

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