Thursday, February 10, 2011

suitable partner: help mate

we continue to read the story of creation. This account certainly has caused a great stir in many circles, especially when it comes to the question of evolution in relation to creation and the creator's hand.

"The story as we have it of dust of the earth meeting the breath of GOd, does not in fact explain how human persons come to be but rather what they are. The theory of evolution seeks to understand and describe the biological developments. But in doing so it cannot explain where the "project" of human persons come from, nor their inner origin, nor their particular nature. Thus creation and evolution are complementary." These are words spoken by cardinal ratzinger prior to being Pope Benedict.

He underlies that microbiologist & biochemist have brought revolutionary insights into the inmost mystery of life. They have helped us become aware that there is much in common between machines and organisms, that there seems to be an underlining plan in both. Chance does not seem to be a sufficient explanation for the complexity discovered. just a side note.

So we go to the reading of today where Adam is busy naming the animals, but he isn't naming them to simply name them but he is looking for something, someone.

He is naming them in hopes to find that special someone like himself with an intelligence and free will, made in the image and likeness of God.

He is working in order to discover meaning and value. To name something is to know it and understand it.

He doesn't find it in the animal world.

Animals are lacking something that the human person needs. Animals are not like humans. This is very important. Just a note, when someone describes the inhumane treatment of animals they are describing the fault of the human person to be what it should be not describing the necessity of treating animals like humans.

SO Adam is looking for a suitable partner, a help mate, someone, who in Hebrew word means that whom will help them remember who they are, where they come from and where they are going.

This can be one interpretation of suitable partner or help mate, one who helps the other remember.

Then at last we get the "bone from my bone, flesh from flesh" exclamation.

We see the great gift that man and woman are for each other. The longing is over, the mystery is solved, a soul mate has arrived.

May couples experience that same moment that Adam experienced when he peered across the garden and his eyes met this gift from God, and he knew instantly that this was the one.

For all you who are married, perhaps you can relive that moment of encounter when you were awaken to the gift God had given in your spouse. Go back to the beginning, relive the toil and exhaustion seeking a help mate, and then relive the moment the gift came upon the scene and be grateful and perhaps your love will be given a boost.

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