Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The greatest among you should be your servant. The exalted shall be humbled and those who are humble shall be exalted.

These are the words of Christ in the end of the gospel for today the Tuesday of the second week of lent.

Sometimes I find myself putting that in reverse. Sometimes perhaps all of us put it in reverse. I mean who does not like being served. Who does not like being pampered. It feels good to be exalted. Yet Jesus tells us do not let it go to your head.

Our main business is to serve. That is we are to be there for others. But our presence and our service should be that of Christ's presence and his service. Certainly, many things count as service but it is intention as well as action that solidify the service we live.

This week I have been in the hospital with my sister and her family. My nephew was diagnosed with tumor in the brain. I haven't done much but I have been present. Sometimes that is the greatest service of all it seems.

I feel like Mary and John at the foot of the cross. They did not do much but they simple stood and remained present throughout the ordeal. I am helpless but hopeful.

Service is diverse. But thing is constant, sometimes just standing by, standing near can be humbling and yet somehow fruitful.

Serve, be humble and God will do the exalting in his time.

1 comment:

  1. Father, You simply being there is important for the family of your nephew, most of all for your nephew, silence is important too, not only words. At this time your nephew needs pampering and you serving as Jesus did in his days on earth. Illness in the family can teach us a lot. As you said it can be humbling. God will give you the help you need at this time, the words, prayers and just being there. Bernice S.
