Friday, April 1, 2011

april fools

Today we celebrate what we are the remainder of the 364 days of the year>>>Mark Twain.

Today is a day of laughter and pranks. Where everyone gets in on the laugh usually at the expense of another, though ideally never harmfully.

Today I tried to teach the three years olds at the school what April fools was all about. It was a task trying to get them to catch on to the days events. They never really got it but they loved to say the phrase "April Fools." Every time they said it, which was random and often, they would laugh. Some times they had no idea why they were laughing , but at three do you really need a reason to laugh?

The phrase itself "April Fools" was sufficient in itself to cause them laughter.

Laughter is important for the soul. Only the man of faith can truly laugh. Faith and humor go hand in hand.

Pope Benedict reminds us that "deep joy of the heart is also the true prerequisite for a sense of humor, and thus humor is in a certain sense, the measure of faith...where joylessness reigns, where humor dies, the spirit of Jesus Christ is assuredly absent. But the reverse is also true: joy is a sign of grace. One who is cheerful from the body of the heart, one who has suffered but not lost joy, cannot be far from the God of the evangelium, whose first word on the threshold of the New Testament is "Rejoice!"

So today be bold in you laughter, be bold in your joy, and be bold in your faith and thus you are not far from the kingdom of God.

WIth true faith we live fuller, love deeper, laugh louder.

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