Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh Susanna & monkey in the middle

Daniel 13:1-62; Ps 23 Though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side. John 8:1-11

today we have some very intriguing encounters in the readings. We encounter Susanna who is accused of adultery by two "dirty" old men who only want to appease their lust, and the nameless woman caught in the "very act" of adultery. Wow! We thought all the action happened only in soap operas.

The Biblical literature can compete.

In the first reading the essential line that marks the moment of downfall of these "dirty old men" is as follows, "When the old men saw her enter every day for her walk, they began to lust for her. They suppressed their conscience; they would not allow their eyes to look to heaven, and did not keep on mind just judgments."

How is that for a detailed description of how lust can enter through the eyes and completely sink the heart and mind if left unchecked.

The conscience can be suppressed. It can be deformed. It is in constant need of renovation and renewal.

How often do we let things in and give it free reign over our mind and heart. We must be diligent and persistent in rooting our those thoughts before they spread; we must continually raise our eyes to heaven and seek the strength of the one who can help us in time of need.

In the end Susanna is vindicated and the dirty old men are convicted are put to death in the body though in their heart and mind they had already died. Susanna did give in and refused to save her skin; rather she maintained her integrity and trusted in God's ever watchful eye.

In the gospel we encounter the scribes and Pharisees bringing a women caught in adultery, in the "very act of committing adultery."

Now, we are not sure who caught who in the act. But Perhaps a husband was suspecting and had his wife tailed. Maybe the local "private eye" got in on the action.

None the less the sin was exposed and before Jesus they come wagging their fingers. They make this women stand in the middle with their eyes fixed upon her and fingers pointing and minds and heart condemning and they want JEsus to do something about it.

In some sense it looks a lot like the game we played as kids called "monkey in the middle." One thing that always amazes me at this story is that JEsus never looks at the woman. While all those standing around her hold her bound in her sins with their stare, JEsus never does.

It isn't polite to stare. When we stare we hold people bound and refuse to offer mercy and do not allow justice to be served.

Jesus stares not and simply with one little question disperse the crowd, "You without sin cast the first stone!"

Notice Jesus doesn't dismiss women so easy. He has a few choice words for her, "neither do I condemn you. Go! Sin no more."

Jesus recognizes the sin and chooses to direct her on the right path. HE certainly doesn't approve of her lifestyle and he invites us to a new way of living. Better living through mercy.

Oh susanna and the monkey in the middle teach us much about living and walking with God.

Here is little bit from two of my favorites singing Oh Susanna

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