Thursday, April 7, 2011

seek praise

John 5:31-47

There are many words in the readings to today, too many to count. I am often amazed at how many words are brought together in such a small space and time for the worshipers to hear and comprehend.

IT is almost unnatural. This is why it is so important for the faithful to read the readings ahead of time, to prepare themselves to hear proclaimed what they have read. Not to prepare is refusing to let God speak clealry to the human heart.

Today is no different. The first reading from the book of Exodus is fileld with meaning. The gospel is a disocurse Jesus has thar reads almost like a treatise.

So what do we do. We focus in, we zoom our lense to just one phrase.

Jesus in the gospel tells the pharisees, "How can you believe, when you accept praise from one another and do not seek the praise that comes from the only God?"

Zero in on this particular question. How can you believe when yo accept praise form one another and do not seek praise from the only God?

Here is certianly a lenten reflection for all.

We like affirmation. We like to be praised and exalted by our fellow man. We like applause. We like to be told "way to go" or "good job" or "well done". Sometimes seeking the praise of men can make us deaf to the praise of God. Sometimes trying to please others can often interfere with our ability to please God.

Sometimes seeking the praise of men can turn us away from God.

We have to make sure we are correctly ordered in our life.

Here is quote from Helen Keller that It think puts it all in perspective, "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."

Seeking the praise of men is like choosing to creep like bugs and beetles. Seeking the praise of God is truly allowing our spirit to soar as we were created for.

Do we creep or do we soar. One will keep us on the ground, earth bound; the other will lift usand we shall know as St. Paul says, "life on high in Christ!"

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