Saturday, July 30, 2011

question and answer

Isaiah 55:1-3;Ps 145 The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs; Romans 8:35-39;Matthew 14:13-21

Often times in the Victoria Advocate they will pose the "Question of the Day." This column invites readers to weigh in or share their opinion regarding the question presented. The topics are usually random and varied.

In today's readings, we encounter several questions that are meant to get us to think not just today but think about our life.

Isaiah ask the question, "Why spend your money for what is not bread; your wages for what fails to satisfy?

The Prophet gets to the heart of the matter. He skips all the unnecessary chatter and lays it bear. "Why spend for that which does not satisfy?"

Look into you life and see how often you spend on that which promises satisfaction but really is a fleeting appeasement that is here today and gone tomorrow.

Think about all our car advertisements and any advertisements that promise satisfaction and yet we have a society filled and growing with dissatisfaction.

St. Paul in the second reading poses a question as well, "What will separate us from the love of Christ?"

Perhaps this question can be reworded, "What has separated us from the love of Christ?" What have we allowed to run interference from receiving and giving fully the love Christ offers continually?

In the gospel, the boy lets nothing interfere. He gives everything in the sum of two fish and five loaves. The gospel tells us that the crowds that had gathered "all ate and were satisfied."

Do we not want to be satisfied?

He who gives Jesus all that he has will find that God multiplies the gift and satisfaction stretches forth for all who receive and even for the one who gives.

God takes what seems insignificant and makes it meaningful. But we have to be willing to give it.

The risk is worth the reward.

Let nothing separate you from the love of Christ!

Quote from Mother Teresa
"What we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

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