Thursday, July 21, 2011


Exodus 19:1-20; Ps Glory and praise for ever; Mt 13:10-17

Hear the words from Jesus in the gospel today:
"gross is the heart of this people, they will hardly hear with their ears, they have closed their eyes...lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts and be converted and I heal them...but blest are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear...."

Gross is the heart of this people...
What is interesting about the word "gross." Today it is used in a negative way to indicate something disgusting or perverted. However, in its original context it was meant to describe something as large and common and in french it was used to describe someone who was pregnant.

In other words, "gross" meant that something had potential. There was room for improvement and all that was need was a little refinement.

Perhaps this is what Jesus is getting at when he says "gross is the heart of this people."

We shouldn't give up on them but look beyond and see the potential and aid them on their journey. This is what the parables are for. The parables are meant to reach the people whose heart is thick and common and full of potential.

Today in the church we celebrate the feast of St. Lawrence of Brindisi.

He was a Cappuchin in the 16th century, known for his preaching and intensity of life. He is a doctor of the church.

Two of his favorite sayings ate as follows. When ever he encountered something unusual or difficult especially pain or sickness he would respond to is with the phrase, "Ah! Simplicita!", which simply expressed his desire to surrender to Divine Providence. In other words, nothing is too big for God and God can use all of it for his glory so there was no need to worry.

Secondly, when face with a monumental task he would say, "there will be nothing difficult here provided we have a crucifix!"

May we remember this when difficulties arise and our gaze fall upon the crucifix of our Lord and there trust shall blossom and hope shall be engender and strength shall carry us forward and we are filled with the charity by which God has loved us.

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