Friday, September 16, 2011

companions for the journey

1 timothy 6:2-12; Ps 49 Blessed the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs; Luke 8:1-3

Today's gospel is by far one of my favorite gospel stories in Luke.

JEsus is on the move. He is going from one town to the next, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.

And does not go alone. He has companions for the journey.

The twelve along with a list of women folk: Mary magdalene, Joanna, the wife of Herrod' steward, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources.

What a diverse group associated with Jesus.

The twelve alone are pretty different as far as personalities and temperaments. The range is quite large.

Then to had this motley crew, we now encounter these ladies.

Mary magdalene, who seven demons were cast can only imagine her dark and loose past. She was considered a lady of the night, if you catch my drift.

Then there is Joanna who was a lady of the court. She was a women of means. She was the wife of the King's financial advisor and officer. She was use to having people wait on her. Her wardrobe was probably quite elaborate.

Then there is susanna. she has no history. She just has name. Perhaps she was a no body. perhaps she was just ordinary. Whatever it may be, she was moved to follow Christ.

What a group of companions for the journey. When we look close at this particular scripture, we realize it looks a lot like today, a lot like us.

The next time you go to mass, take a look around. What a motley crew Jesus has called together. We go together or we do not go at all.

All of our differences, all of our histories, all of our past lives, all of that converges into the person of christ who holds us all together.

We are his. He is ours. We go together, or we do not go at all.

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