Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Jonah 4:1-11; Ps 86 Lord,, you are merciful and gracious; Luke 11:1-4

But the Lord asked, "Have you reason to be angry?"

What a question!

This is God's response to Jonah who throws a tatrum becasue the people of Nineveh are saved from destruction. He throws a tatrum because God is merciful.

Imagine that!

Here is the prophet who was coerced to preach repentance. Remember he preached agianst his will, he was reluctant. Yet, It was productive. God used this little man to bring about big changes for the people of Nineveh, the people jonah himself despised.

God allowed them to repent and to change their ways. God gave them warning, he gave them time, and in the end he gave them clemency.

But is mercy wasn't finished.

Then to show his mercy, God allowed a plant to grow and give Jonah shade even while he compalined. Then the plant withered and died.

Jonah's anger flared up.

It seems poor Jonah is only thinking about himself. Poor Jonah is only happy with God when God does what Jonah desires. Sounds a lot like us.

Don't we try to corner God in to doing what is our will rather than truly allowing ourselves to be transformed by his.

In the end, we do not have a monopoly on God's mercy. In the end do we really have a reason to be angry? when it is all said and done, is not his mercy really all that we hope for and all that we desire?

The Lord giveth and the lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

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