Tuesday, November 1, 2011

And all the rest

Revelation 7:2-4,9-14; Ps 24 Lord this is the people who long to see your face; 1 John 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12

Today we celebrate this Holy Day of Obligation.
Before we get into the actual day of celebration, All Saints Day, I thought I might reflect on the difference between a Holy Day and a Holiday.

These are the two realites we celebrate throughout lives, and sometimes they are the same reality, sometimes a Holy Day is a Holiday but seldom do we treat holidays as holy days.

Nonetheless here we go.

Frist, a Holiday is man made. It is the day we give to ourselves as we look on our history such as july 4th, labor day, Columbus day etc. We look to our human accomplishments and success or progress.

A Holy Day is not made but received. It is the CHurch's gift to us. It does not depend on what we have done; it does not depend on us at all; it is offered to us.

A Holiday is a break from the routine of work and the routine of living.

A Holy Day is not a break from something but rather a pause by which we are invited to take a step back and to recognize the living God who wants to breakforth into our lives and fill this routine with his presence, daily.

Thus a Holy Day reminds us that Time is not just measured by the 40 hour work week, by the movement of the stars and suns and planets that revolve; time is not just about theearth spinning or the seasons changes but rather time is a gift form the maker of the universe, the one who creates time, and sustaisn us in time.

Each Holy Day brings us face to face with the beauty that is awakened by Faith.

It is faith that gathers us on these days. Faith that unites us even in our differences. It is faith that build our community and reminds us as we gather that we do not stand alone.

In fact as we celebrate All Saints Day we remind ourselves of all those who have travelled before us on the path we seek to travel now.

We look to all those who have gone before us, those who have our back.

This is not just a caste of a chosen few but a "great multitude, too numerous too count" according to the first reading.

these are the named and unamed who have left us a pattern by which we are to pattern our lives.

Saints do not need our honor. Our celebration does not affect them but it does affect us. In honoring them we are inspired, encouraged and given a boost for the journey.

As we turn our gaze heaven ward we find a litle extra pep in our step as march to the rhythm of eternity with the saints in light. We want to do as they did so we might be where they are.

They awaken us a desire to be like them, simply Happy to be near God.

The saints invite us to never settle for second best. they invite us to run the race of faith as to win the prize.

The recipe for succes is simple. Primarily is is being oen to the action of grace in our life. We are invited to Lsiten to JEsus, Follow Jesus, and never lose heart as we journey toward Jesus. Then we simply repeat the process.

Oh! One last thing. Rejoice and be Glad for your reward will be great in heaven!

Mother Church welcomes us all to this family reunion where no one is left behind. We recognize those who are named but more importantly those who are not, these are All the rest.

May we strive to be with them and be counted among those "too numerous too count."

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