Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas list

Isaiah 56:1-8; Ps 67 God, let all the nations praise you; John 5:33-36

Christmas list abound this time of year. Children write letters to Santa all over the world making their request, hoping and waiting as their hungry little eyes peer beneath the Christmas tree all arrayed in lights.

Everyone has a list, a Christmas Wish list! It isn't just for children. I know plenty of adults, grown ups, who have made their list and checked it twice who drop little hints to their unsuspecting spouse, just in case they weren't attentive enough to get it the first time.

As the credit card commercial for capitol one states, "what's in your wallet?" What is in your list?

Isaiah reveals to us this morning what is on God's list.

1) observe what is right, do what is just
2)keep the sabbath free from profanation
3)keeps his hand from evil doing
4)Loving the name of the Lord, becoming his servants

These I will bring to my holy mountain and make joyful in my house of prayer.

What a gift. God, our father, had revealed to us his "Christmas" list not just for the season but for a life.

Imagine what would the world would look like awaken by the beauty of faith in action.

God has a list for us so that CHristmas can truly be received and celebrated. It is the Christ child who shows us how to love his name and become his servant on bended knee does he wash the feet.

Yesterday ,here at St. Michael's, we had our Christmas Pageant. All of the students came together and brought Bethlehem to Cuero, Texas. Mary, Joseph, the child, the shepherds, the wise men, the animals (sheep, donkeys, cows, camels), the angels singing glory to God in the highest, St, Nick and even Martin Luther made a showing.

What a sight to behold.

For a brief moment, all were fixed on the manger. For a brief moment, worries were forgotten, fears relived, hope enliven, joy restored to world that is often to busy to stop long enough for God's embrace.

What beauty awaken by faith that transcends all. Yesterday in the hall, our children did what St, John the Baptist did, illuminated the path and became a light shining on Christ.

As Jesus points out in the gospel: "John was a burning and shining lamp, for a while you were content to rejoice in his light."

We too like John must bring warmth and light. This is what the children did, though it took work and dedication. Such it is with light; what gives light must endure burning.

Go forth.

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