Wednesday, March 7, 2012

drink the cup

Jeremiah 18:18-20; Ps 31 Save me, O Lord, in your kindness; Matthew 20:17-28

In todays gospel we encounter a mother who wants to give her children the best. She approaches JEsus and makes that request, "command that these two sons of mine sit one on your left and the other on your right, in for kingdom!"

She must have overheard the conversation about JEsus being raised from the dead. HEaring this, she thought she might at least put a good word in for her boys.

How many mothers have been like this mother, bringing their children to God in prayer, making grand request, asking boldly and confidently on their behalf.

Countless mothers through the years have spent time on their knees interceding for their children.

Every mother should be like this mother. They should all want the best; they should all refuse to settle for less when it comes to their children.

Notice, Jesus only promises what it is his to give. He can only give what belongs to him.

He ask, "can you share in the cup that I drink."

HE can only only give his experience, his life; he can only invite them to come along and be a companion with him on the journey to glory.

This journey will not be easy. IT will require much. They will have to press their lips to the chalice of suffering, choosing to surrender their life to the will of the Father each day anew.

JEsus sweetens the deal for them. He promises to drink it with them. They will not drink it alone.

"My chalice you will indeed drink."

Thus they respond with enthusiasm and great courage, "we can."

But this yes to the cup involves not riding up front but rather taking a back seat on the journey and entering into service each step of the way.

In some sense, the mother was requesting her sons to ride shot gun all the way to glory; but it fact glory can only be achieved when you enter the trenches and choose to ride in the back seat and allowing the will of God to lead the way.

We do not get to choose the cup we drink. The cup is only for the taking never for the choosing. God alone shall pour the chalice that will be pressed upon our lips and our heart of service must drink and drink and drink.

Then we shall learn to give as Christ has given. Then we shall enter fully into the ransom that his chalice becomes for all of us, "this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. Shed for many so that sins may be forgiven, do this in memory of me."

The drinking the chalice isn't just another way of life, it is the way to life itself.

Here are few words from BEnedict XVI

"Redemption of mankind must be something quite different. it is accessible only through the dependence of love, which would be the only true freedom...what would happen first if there were to be redemption would be this: that God would no longer be th eUnknown; that he would no longer be the borderline of our freedom, the rival of our own life. wE would have to be one with him if we were to be free."

We must drink what he offers and be willing to drink with him in that which he offers.

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