Wednesday, March 28, 2012

freedom fighter

Daniel 3:14-20,91-92,95; Glory and praise for ever! John 8:31-42

Just a quick glance at the gospel.

The gospel begins, "Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him...

Think about that. Jesus is speaking to those who believe in him.

Yet, what is this action of belief in their life, "But you are trying to kill me."

Wow! Belief is a dangerous thing.

They believed in him but yet they wanted to kill him. Strange. This was their response to Jesus' invitation to freedom, "you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

We all want to be free, but why such hostile response to the gift of freedom itself.

Perhaps, like many of us, we want freedom on our own terms.

We will fight for our right to party, as the old song goes. We all want to do our way, and have no accountability or responsibility to those around us.

YEt, when we do this are we not on the wrong side of freedom.

It would be to easy to think about the United States. Boy, don't we have the understanding of freedom all wrong. How often does our society want to kill Jesus, kill his church, kill faith all together.

We all want freedom but to want it on our terms is not freedom but slavery.
We got it backwards.

Perhaps it is time we followed Christ and became true freedom fighters.

"if you remain in my words, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

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