Saturday, March 10, 2012

a short tale on this saturday

The desert fathers have a story about a young monk who asked an older one, "How come that so many people set out to be good, and so many people come here to join the monastery, but after some time they leave again or give up the effort?"

This is a good question for us all as we examine our spiritual health and resolution.

The old monk thought for a while and then answered.

"Sometimes as you stand here in front of the monastery you will see a rabbit pass by pursued by the village dogs, barking and howling. After some time the rabbit comes back but there are only one or two dogs in pursuit. These are the dogs who actually saw the rabbit - the others were only following the barking.

Likewise, if we are to persevere in our pursuit we must have had a glimpse of the the Lord - and not just be following the barking."

In this weekend's gospel we get a glimpse of Jesus in action. In fact every action of Christ is a teaching marvel for us.

We learn more from what he does than just from what he says.

Go to John 2:13-25 and experience Jesus in action. Spend a few moments meditating ont he the whip in JEsus hands and the cleansing of the temple area.

Then listen to the last lines of the gospel, "Jesus did not anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well."

Itis becasue he understood human nature clealry that Jesus' actions speaks so loudly to us. JEsus wasn't acting on a whim but he is teaching us as he makes a whip and begins to chase the moneychangers out of the temple area.

Make sure as you spy Christ in action you make a decision to no longer follow the barking but let the glimpse of the Lord lead the pursuit of holiness.

The temple, the place where God let his glory dwell, is no longer made from brick and mortar, but rather flesh and blood. Jesus' body is the new temple, the place of encounter with the living God. Through baptism, our body becomes a living temple, the place where God is to be found. In baptism, we united as a church, become the Body of Christ, the place where the glory of God dwells.

this is the pursuit of life. This is the call of Christ with the whip in one hand and and the wounds of the crucifixion on the other. We dee him, now we must pursue what he pursue.

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