Saturday, April 7, 2012

easter saturday

This day we remember that Jesus was buried. Jesus was really dead. He fully participated in the human destiny of death. Jesus traveled the path of death right to the bitter and seemingly hopeless end in the tomb.

Jesus has been buried. His lips that once proclaimed the beauty of the kingdom breaking into our lives are not mute and enveloped with that sinister silence of death. Those lips once flush and lively are now purple and cold.

Yet, this too is necessary.

For though his body fills the tomb and death fills his body, we await the glorious proclamation that the tomb is empty which is a necessary condition for the resurrection faith.

The third day approaches and all the world anticipates the verdict of life over death, life through death. a new dimension of human existence waits eagerly to be brought forth as the third day closes in.

The third day is almost upon us, that decisive turning point for history of humanity. The calamity of the Cross is transformed by the witness of the third day, he is risen.

Nothing can ever be the same once the stone is rolled away and the tomb is laid bare, empty for all to see.

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