Tuesday, April 24, 2012

oppose the Holy SPirit

Acts 7:51-8:1; PS 31 Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit; John 6:30-35

JEsus is often called the Advocate. St. John this past SUnday, if you recall, mentioned that we have a Advocate with th feather, Jeus Christ the righteous one.

An Advocate is the one who urges us on in support either by argument or recommendation. Jesus speaks in defense of us, who pleads for us before the Father. The Cross is the defense and support for us.

Jesus is the Advocate.

The HOly Spirit according to St. John, on the other hand, is the other counselor. This is not to be equated with our modern understanding of counseling or counselors of that matter. Their jobs are to help us find peace with ourselves certainly but often times they miss the boat.

We must remember, Jesus is the one that tells us the Holy Spirit will "instruct us in everything and remind you of all that I told you." John 14:26.

This is the role of the Counselor, not to make us feel good but rather to get us on the right footing by directing us to the truth.

Here in lies good counsel. The SPirit of God is meant to helps us an instruct us to choose what is right and good and true and beautiful and cling to it.

Counsel without truth well is just pop psychology and this is not The Holy Spirit.

How do we oppose the Holy SPirit, simply put, when we reject the truth, the truth of our creation in the image an likeness of God, the truth of our redemption in Christ, the truth of his church found on Peter, the rock, the truth, deposit of faith handed on to the Apostles and brought to us via sacred scripture and sacred tradition,

Again if there is not truth there can not be good counsel.

Jon 16:12-12, "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the SPirit of truth comes, he will guide you in all truth." We don't make the truth we receive it.

Think about the Holy Spirit today as you go through your life. Ask God to help you be attentive to his promptings and stirrings in your heart. Every now and then raise your eyes upward and pray, "Come, Holy Spirit, Come." When in a hurry simply pray "Come!" The more we are attentive and conscious of the Spirit of God around us the more we will be aware of the presence stirring us daily. The spirit of truth isn't just about knowledge but it is about loving purely and most concretely in our life. Here is where the life we live and the love we hold begin to take shape. The counselor is always near. Call out to him. Be led by Him. Experience the power and grace.

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