Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Today we celebrate Mother's Day.

It was PResident Woodrow Wilson on May 9th, 1914 that stated the second Sunday of May would be set aside for "public expression of our love and reverence for the mother's of our country."

Public expression of love and reverence for the Mother's of our Country.

SO, Blessed Mother's day for all of those out there.

Also just a side note.

A few things about motherhood that can complicate the celebration
1)for some motherhood is an accident, not always planned or welcomed
2)for some biological motherhood is often times not possible
3)SOme mother's are all that nice
4)For some the joy of motherhood has been accompanied by pain and anguish, sorrow and regret as they witness their children suffer both physical and emotional and even die

None the less motherhood is still part of God's plan of bringing life and love into the world.  Even in the mist of soiled diapers, soiled wallpaper, spoiled pans, stumbling blocks, pitfalls, heartache it remains a natural part of God's creative touch by which life and love flow.

We gather to be thankful even as we are in awe of such a mystery as a mother's love.

Even in the midst of the complicated and dysfunctional reality in which motherhood lives, the gospel for today reminds us what ultimately remains at stake for a mother, "No greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Indeed, a mother's body has the stretch marks to prove the willingness to lay down's one's life.  Motherhood is a natural reality that closely resembles the gift of Christ on the Cross.

IT is about gift of oneself.

Motherhood remains a divinely instituted reality bestowed on the human race so that for a brief moment we can catch a glimpse of what love looks like as we peer into our mother's eyes.  Regardless of all the rotten mothers out there, the good ones remain as a standard we all strive for in our life.

"No greater love than to lay down one's life."

To become mother is not that difficult; being a mother is very much so.  

Thank you to all who have struggled daily in being mothers. 
May God's grace abound!

Also, we acknowledge our mother the Church.  She has nursed us on the eucharist and the word and guided us to understand more perfectly the call we each have received in Christ.  She is there to offer to us forgiveness and encouragement in the sacrament of confession; she is there to give us a boost in the sacrament of confirmation; she is there to offer to us that heavenly milk, the eucharist, where Christ comes to live in us daily.  She gives us a new birth in to eternal life in the waters of baptism; she is there to fulfill the first command of GOd, "be fertile and multiply" as she celebrates the gift go married love; she is there to offer governance and guidance as men are called forth to the priesthood.

We bless her as our mother that leads us into the supernatural life.

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