Thursday, June 14, 2012

maximize your potential

1 Kings 18:41-46; Ps 65 It is right to praise you in Zion, O God; Matthew 5:20-26

First things first.
We encounter Elijah praying in the first readings.  He is described as  "crouching down to the earth, putting his head between his knees."

Now, if you are reading this, I want you to try to imitate Elijah's praying posture.  Go ahead.

Crouch down and put your head between your knees with your forehead touching the earth.  This posture is what it means to prostrate oneself.

It is an act of humility and surrender.  One can not easily defend himself/herself in such a posture.  Perhaps this is what true prayer is about, being defenseless before God, letting down our defenses and truly listening for God's will in our life.

Our petitions to God ring true when we are open and humbled.

Secondly, We hear those old familiar words of Jesus, "I tell you unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Unless your righteousness surpasses...

What is this?

Well, Jesus simply wants to maximize our goodness.  The word surpasses means to be more superabundant.

We live in world where everyone wants to maximize their returns whether it be in investments, or tax returns, or retirement planning.  We all want to maximize our profit margins.  We want to get more.

JEsus wants us to be more, to do more, to give more.  He wants to maximize our goodness:more superabundant.

Keep that in mind as you read the gospels and listen tot words that Jesus says.

Maximixe not minimize.  Do more not do just enough to get by.

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