Friday, July 27, 2012

Ark of the heart

Jeremiah 3:14-17; ps The Lord will guard us as a shepherd gourds his flock; Mt 13:18-23

 I sit here beneath the shadows of the mountains in Durango as I pause in my journey to Montana where Yellowstone and a wedding await. I have been here a few days now in Durango enjoying the beautiful hospitality of friends and the beautiful hospitality of God's creative touch we call Colorado.

As I was reading the first reading this morning I was struck by the immensity of Jeremiah's words. "when you multiply and become fruitful in the land, says the Lord,They will in those days no longer say,"The Ark of the covenant of the Lord!" They will no longer think of it, or remember it, or miss it, or make another."

 This is truly amazing and shocking words. The Ark of the covenant was considered the place of God's dwelling on earth. In it were the jar of manna, the stone tablets containing the ten commandments, as well as, the flowering staff of Aaron denoting him as the chosen high priest for the duties of the temple.

 It was on the ark of the covenant that the mercy seat was located where God's glory accompanied the people on their earthly journey. It was the concrete manifestation of God's presence. It marked what set the Israelites apart from all other people. God was near and he had revealed himself through the concrete realities of the Manna, the tablets, the staff of the priest. It was where the people were reminded of God's nourishment, God's law, God's guidance.

Yet, Jeremiah says there will be a time this will no longer be needed. This realm will give way to something more meaningful, more lasting. He is saying that the concrete manifestation of God's presence, the mercy seat of God will no longer be on the ark but rather will be seen and experienced in the very lives of the people.  It will be people themselves and the lives they live which will be proof of God's presence and action in the world, "when you multiply and become fruitful...." No longer will the box be the pinnacle of God's presence but rather now it will be the human heart, the human will, the lives lived.

 It will be the heart of man where the law of God, the nourishment of God, the guidance of God will be made known. This is certain foreshadowing of Christ, the incarnate one, God in the flesh. It is also a prediction about our lives and our purpose and meaning. As St. Paul tells us in the 2 nd letter of Corinthians, in Christ we become the very holiness of God. God's glory, presence ,power, might, mercy is now active in us who believe, who have been washed by the waters of baptism and live and walk in the way of faith. Faith empowers us the allow God to take up residence in the lives we lead.

 Wow! what a great confidence God has in us. God thinks the world of us.

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