Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sperm donor sued for child support

I not sure if any of you have been keeping up with the latest news coming from Kansas.

Apparently, a Sperm donor is being sued for child support by the state of Kansas' department for children and families.  Due to technicality, the sperm donor is to be accountable for the support of child conceived because the women who used the sperm did not use a doctor nor a clinic but rather impregnated themselves using a syringe at home.

Kansas law apparently requires a physician to be used for "artificial"  insemination or else the donor is held responsible.

The donor had this to say, "I donated genetic material and that was it for me. I'm not being held to be a parent...I'm not raising a child, I wasn't expected to be paying for child support."

So far this is by far my top news story of the year.  5 days in and already it begins.

I like the ruling.  I think all sperm donors should be held responsible for child support.  It would certainly help us all rediscover the necessary connection between sex and life.

Since when is sperm just genetic material.  Really!  What has our society become!
The couple in question is two women who thought they had the right to "play" parents.

Come on America lets rediscover our common sense.

Lets put babies back into families where Moms and Dads are once again a suitable environment for growth.

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