Friday, October 16, 2015


Rom 4:1-8; Ps 32 I turn to you  O LORD in time of trouble and you fill me with the joy of salvation; Luke 12:1-7

"There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known."

Thus spoke Jesus in today's gospel.

Think about the many secrets floating out in to the world.  Think about the many conversations behind closed doors.  Think about all the scheming and planning and running around.

Think about the hiding and the pretending and the hoping not to be discovered or found out.

Who are we kidding?


It isn't that our life will be revealed in the end but rather that all of it is already out in the open to the gaze of God.  But not only to God but all the saints and angels in heaven.  They have front row seats. They get to see it all in real time.

Secrets.  There are no secrets.  It is all a lie that we wrap our lives in, get tangles and find ourselves tripping over and over a again.

Secrets are like pot holes they do damage.  Why pretend?  Why even bother?

Why not just come clean and be free?

Transparency isn't an invitation by Jesus it is reality itself.

Let us live in the light and find the joy we have been waiting for.

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