Wednesday, June 25, 2008

john the baptist

Luke 1:57-80

"What then will this child be?"

This is the question posed by those who heard the rumblings of the events associated with the birth of John the Baptist. 

"What then will this child be?"

The answer to the question provides us a reason as to why we celebrate the birthday of John the Baptist. 

In the Church we celebrate the birthday of the Blessed Mother, the birthday of Jesus Christ, and John the Baptist.  

Why is John held with such esteem?

John reveals to us what a true prophet is in history.  Prophecy is often misunderstood.  We often equate prophecy with the future, what will come tomorrow and how to prepare appropriately.   This is not what prophecy is. 

Biblical prophecy concerns itself with tomorrow only in so far as it is concerns itself with today. That is, its sole purpose is to reveal God's standard and God's expectation for the way we are to live, and thus in living it today we move forward in tomorrow. 

John, does this.  His whole life is geared toward one moment.  As he stands on the banks of the Jordan river, and see Jesus, he proclaims, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."

John recognizes the face of God in the face of Christ, thus, making known the standard of God in the present.  This is what true prophecy does.

"What then will this child be?"

He will be the one who points out the face of God to all. And if he points out the face of God in Christ, what then.

We like John the baptist, are baptized prophets.  If we are to live out our role as prophets, we too must be like John the baptist, and point out the face of God in the world, that the present generation might then have the opportunity to follow. 

We also  must allow the face of God to be seen in us.  The more we follow Christ, the more our face will have the complexion of godliness.  

Prophecy is still alive in us, for we follow in the footsteps of John the baptist in making known the face of God in the world.  

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