Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas continues

Readings for Dec 26

Looking back over yesterday's celebration, we might have the tendency to be done with Christmas.  We must realize that Christmas continues. We celebrate Christmas up until the Epiphany. 

For eight days, we celebrate the octave of Christmas, the same pomp and reverence as Christmas day.  We must fight the urge to put every thing away but rather keep the festivity alive in our hearts and minds and lives.

Once we celebrate Christmas, we can never go back to the way things were.  We can't get back to our normal routine of living.  Christmas changes things, the normal life has given way to a life filled with wonder and awe. 

This is why today we celebrate the Feast of the St. Stephen, the first Martyr.  He let the Christmas reality be a true encounter and event that changed everything.  He recognized the cost of being awaken to a new life, a new way of doing things and He embraced the gift and received abundant life and courageously lived differently. The above image is the painting of Pietro de Cortona in 17th century of the the stoning of St. Stephen.  He was stoned to death because he chose to make Jesus the corner stone of his life.

May we keep the manger scene always before our eyes and begin to experience Christmas anew, living a life of wonder and awe before all.

Prayer from Christmas Mass at dawn:

Almighty God and Father of light, a child is born for us and a son is given to us.  
Your eternal Word leaped down from heaven 
in the silent watches of the night, and 
now your Church is filled with wonder 
at the nearness of her God. 

Open our hearts to receive his life 
and increase our vision with the rising of dawn, 
that our lives may be filled with his glory and peace.

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