Thursday, September 17, 2009

sorry enough

1 timothy 4:12-16; Psalm 111 How great are the works of the Lord; Luke 7:36-50

Today in the church we celebrate the memorial of St. Robert Bellarmine, a doctor of the church. 

He lived during the time of the reformation and the reformation aftermath.  He spent a lot of time teaching and educating on the teachings of the church.

He wrote many things.  One little book he wrote to his friend Cardinal Sforza is entitled "The Art of Dying Well."

In this little book he list the rules for dying well.  The thirteenth rule for the art of dying well is Penance, learning how to be correctly sorrowful.  

He states that "the power of true contrition is burning love that is so great that it is able to obtain  from the mercy of God remission of all sin and punishment.  A heart truly contrite and humble really arouses the mercy of God our Father in a marvelous way.  He will give him the ring of peace, wipe away the tears of sorrow, and fill him with tears of joy sweeter than all honey." 

When it comes to true contrition, we should let the women of the gospel be our guide.  We must search out the feet of Christ present in the people around us and bathe them in our tears and kiss them with our lips.  We must let our contrition be brought forth in action, only then are we truly contrite, only then are we truly sorry. 

And doing so we shall experience the words of Christ, "So I tell you, your many sins are forgiven; hence you have shown great love.  But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little."

We must learn to weep in deep sorrow so that we may love deeply.

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