Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christ, Servant King

Daniel 7:1-14; Psalm 93 The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty; Revelation 1:5-8; John 18:33-37

Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.

The gospel today describes Jesus before Pilate; Jesus is being judged by the world.
JEsus is open to judgment.

Here we learn to be open to judgment as well. One cannot live unless one is open to judgment. It is when we are closed to judgment that we are condemned to die.

Pilate condemns Jesus because he is not open to judgment himself.

Every year during Lent the Pope leads the stations of the cross; on Good Friday night he leads them in the Coliseum. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II at the close of the stations in the coliseum spoke these words:
"Who, if not the condemned Savior, can fully understand the pain of those unjustly condemned?

Who, if not the King scorned and humiliated, can meet the expectations of the countless men and women who live without hope or dignity?

Who, if not the crucified Son of God, can know the sorrow and loneliness of so many lives shattered and without a future?

Jesus took his wounds to heaven, and there is a place in heaven for our wounds because our King bears his in glory."

Jesus testifies to the truth; he is the truth. Thus we must let him reign by allowing him to take away our sins each and every day.

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