Thursday, January 28, 2010

deal or no deal

2 samuel 7:18-19,24-29; Psalm 132 The Lord God will give him the throne of David, his father; Mark 4:21-25

"For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing secret except to come to light."

"The measure you give will be the measure you receive."

According to Jesus in today's gospel, the secret life has ended. There is no such thing as secrecy in the life of faith. There is no hiding behind or obscuring from view. All of our actions and thoughts and plans shall be made visible in the light of Christ.

Our task is to live in the light. We must not be afraid of the exposure. Just like picture negatives need black light or a dark room in order to develop our soul needs light itself in order for it to be formed properly.

Secondly Jesus mentions that the measure we give will be the measure we receive. It the words of my mother as she searched the papers for coupons, this is a good deal not worth passing up.

It is a good deal, laid bare at our feet. You get what you see and there are no strings attached. The measure you give will be the measure you receive. A good deal: do you take it or leave it.

Is it a deal or no deal. Be careful what you risk for as they say a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

These words of Jesus are probably the most precise and easiest to understand and put into practice: the measure you give and will be the measure you receive. So measure wisely and well.

Today is the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, doctor of the church.
Here is a little excerpt of one of his teachings

"What may we learn from the descent of Jesus into Hell as we we profess in the Apostles Creed. We discover a firm hope in God. No matter how much one is afflicted, one ought always hope in the assistance of God and have trust. There is nothing more serious as to be in hell. If, therefore, Christ delivered those from hell, what great confidence ought every friend of God have that he will be delivered from all his troubles!..He that feared the Lord shall tremble at nothing and shall not be afraid; for He is his hope."

If Jesus goes there, then certainly he will come here to be with us.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

"Our task is to live in the light." And what a beautiful, magnificent light: the light of Christ. Is there such a thing as overexposure in the light of Christ? Like an overexposed photo, detail lacking, unsure of the image that we might be seeing? Might that overexposure be a lack of faith in our triune God or do we have so much complete love and faith in Him that we are blinded by the light? Just a thought. - Glad to see you added Word On Fire to your list of Catholic Sites For The Soul. Fr. Barron is one of my favorites. Peace. Take care.