Saturday, January 8, 2011

friends of God and prophets

Today in the morning prayer we were invited to reflect on the following excerpt from the book of Wisdom 7:26-27

"she is a reflection of the eternal light, untarnished mirror of God's active power, image of his goodness. Although alone, she can do all; herself, unchanging, she makes all things new. In each generation she passes into holy souls, she makes them friends of God and prophets."

What sublime picture of the the Holy Spirit producing the gift of wisdom seeking to make us friends of God and prophets.

the last line is intruiguing. It can be read that the wisdom makes of friends of God and friends of prophets or it can be read making us friends of God and making us prophets.

For if we are truly friends of God, then our task is to become prophetic in our life. On lour lips are the owrds of God an din our life the face of God is made known by how we choose to live. We either bring the image God or we distort the image of God.

then we concluded the morning prayer with the follwoing prayer:
"Almighty, ever-living god, through Christ your Son you made of us a new creation. Shape us, then in his likeness, since in him our human nature now lives with you..."

Shape us like Him who has taken our human nature ot be with you in heaven.

Shape us...

As we begin this new year and make those promises of getting into shape, exercising, losing weight.

May we direct our gaze inwardly and seek to allow our hearts and osuls to be molded and shaped by the hand of God so that we can truly become friends of God and prophets.

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