1 peter 5:1-4; Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want; Matthew 16:13-19
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Peter.
This an intriguing feast dedicated not so much to a piece of furniture but to the office it represents: The cathedra of Peter, is the office of teaching in faith and morals given to Peter and his successors.
When in St. Peter's Basilica, by the final altar in the apse, we encounter the Chair of Peter, which is a beautiful Artistic rendition by Bernini.
What is most striking about the Chair is that the apostle Peter is missing; he is not present. The Chair floats above , supported by great teachers of the east and West and yet remains empty.
What is also striking is at the center of the chair is a window that is flooded with light depicting a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit.
The dove reminds us that God is the source of light and illumination. The Church itself becomes a place of encounter, a window, where the world is permeated by his radiance, his light.
The Church becomes a meeting place, where God meets us and we find God. All this is empowered by the gift of himself. This meeting place, this authentic place of encoutner is guaranteed by christ who makes Peter the rock upon which the church is built, the one the Father speaks to.
The chair, the empty throne also reveals much. It reveals the abiding presence of the apostle, who as teacher remains present in his successors. It is the throne of truth and faith that recalls the words of Jesus in today's gospel,
"Blessed are you Simon, Son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father...You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, the gates of the nether world shall not prevail. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven...what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. What you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
The empty space of the chair recalls the authority Jesus gives to Peter and his successors, illumined by the Spirit and light from above, to lead the flock and to gather them to Christ the Good Shepherd.
The chair of Peter is not about Peter, primarily it is about Peter and his successors leading us to Christ and then back to God himself, who started it all.
In faith in God we allow Peter, the one Jesus chooses, to lead us to Christ himself so that Christ can lead us to the Father of lights.
The chair is not about who Lords over the people but it is the hard chair of service, primacy of faith and the primacy of love reign in service to mankind, in service to Christ.
Only where faith leads to love can we truly encounter hope and the three gather together around the chair upon which the church is built as a meeting place between God and man and back to God.
Here truth is made known in loving service to all.
Simon, son of Jonah...you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.
The church is the Father' s gift to the world. What a gift!
view pictures of the chair of Peter Here
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