Wednesday, August 3, 2011

scraps from God and feast of faith and heavenly treats

Numbers 13:1-35; Psalm 106 Matthew 15:21-28

Moses sends a small exhibition on a journey to reconnoiter the promised land.
They went to check things out.

When they came back they told the group what they found. tTings were both pleasing and challenging.

Caleb, was positive and faith filled. He had a strong sense that there was no challenge that could not be overcome with God's aid and strength, "We ought to go up and seize the land, for we can certainly do so."

Notice, Caleb doesn't say it was going to be easy. HE just simply noted that it could be done.

Now the others with Caleb, however, as scripture tells us, "spread discouraging reports among the children of Israel about the land they had scouted."

They not only were discouraging but it seems they exaggerated a bit as well, "it is a county that consumes its inhabitants...all the people are huge men, veritable giants..."

"At this the whole community broke out with loud cries, and even in the night the people wailed."

Perhaps we all have experienced the power of negative thoughts and discouragement. How quickly do we let others get us down! How quickly we get overwhelmed by the challenges in our life only to be left with cries and wailing!

Rather, than trusting the power of God to see us through the challenges that lie head we give up and give in. God wants us to be real and move forward. Yet, how often we trust in our own understanding rather then allowing God to lead on.

We must always check those negative vibes and discouraging words and interject a faithfulness that leads us onward.

Hear the words of JEsus to the woman in the gospel, "O Woman great is your faith!"

This is what God desires from us. We must put our faith in action and allow it to drive out the negative and discouraging forces we encounter daily in life.

Rather than give up and give in why not simply gibe it over to God and keep moving forward.

When discouraging thoughts or words come, just simply raise your eyes upward and repeat the words of the woman in the gospel, "even the the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters."

Even the scraps of God are a feast of faith are heavenly treats

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