Wednesday, August 3, 2011

take the next step

today's readings revisted

Another look at the story of the Israelites in the desert. Here they are at the edge of the promised land. They can see it, smell it, and almost taste it.

they have experienced God's presence guiding them through the worst of times, like with the Egyptians. They know he has fought with them, in them and through them and for them.

Yet, the prospect of the "giants" that loom in the future paralyzes them.

All God expects form them is to take the next step forward. He is not askign them to tackle the "giants' immediately; he is not asking them to solve all the problems immediately.

He simply wants them to take the next step.

Yet the unknown is has afflcited them and had darkened the known reality that God is with them, they do not go alone.

This is what God expects from us. He simply wanst su to take the next step no matter the "giants" that linger head.

The unknown is. But what is known is greater. Jesus says, "I will be with you always until the end of the age."

This is what makes the woman in the gospel so faith filled and worthy of praise. Despite the hardships, despite the rejection, she keeps stepping forward.

O what faith. IS this not how we live? We live one moment at a time, one step in front of the other.

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