Wednesday, February 8, 2012


1 kings 10:1-10; Ps 37 the mouth of the just murmurs wisdom; Mark7:14-23

As we look to the first reading of today, we encounter the queen of Sheba who comes seeking the fame and wisdom of this Solomon she has heard about.

The encounter leaves her "breathless" as she discovers the beauty and truth of the rumor that had found her. Indeed it was has she heard and even exceeded her expectation.

Her words ring true in summarizing her experience with this king of Israel, "Blessed be the LORD, your God, whom it has pleased to place you on the throne of ISrael, In his enduring love for ISrael, the LORD has made you king to carry out judgment and justice."

Remember Solomon is the child of Bethsheba. David had an adulterous affair with her and later had her husband killed. This relationship was not honorable to God. Though, it is offspring of this relationship that GOd uses to bring about honor and fame.for Himself.

Nonetheless, Sheba was left breathless.

Recall a moment in your life when you were breathless by the wisdom and beauty you discover.

More importantly, how can our life, like that of Solomon, leave others breathless because of the grace and beauty of God working through us?

We all cannot be as wise as Solomon, nor ahem a hand in building such temples as the temple of ISrael, but we are temples of the Holy SPirit and each of us has our own gift, our own potential created within us so that we too can becomes vehicles of God's fame and glory.

We all have the potential of leaving others breathless by those particular gifts we have received.

What are for gifts? How do you use them?

How can we let the beauty of GOd working through us so that his beauty shines forth?

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